Lahari 300hr Yoga Teacher Training

Set your mind free to wander anywhere it wants,
Think any thought,
Ride any wave, surge in any direction.The instant a thought springs up,
Abandon it and move on.
Don’t let the mind rest anywhere.In this way, gain entry to the bliss
Of the silent depths beneath the surf.

 – The Radiance Sutras

What we are about:

Lahari–large wave

Anandalahari–Wave of Happiness

Sundarilahari–Wave of Beauty

And you, my dear, are a wave rider. Welcome.

Wave Rider: someone who wants to fully experience being alive. someone who gets that there is no “right” way to walk through life yet is interested in discovering who they really are, are passionate about how they can contribute, and takes responsibility for how they want to live. Someone who is willing to fully engage and savor the sweetness of the gift of life. Someone that aligns with the intelligence of nature and learns to trust life, listens deeply for their unique calling, is courageous enough to reveal their authentic self, and be accountable for when they don’t, marinates in the fire of transformation for the sake of awareness, bows to the power and potency of space and respects pausing before acting, is committed to seeing life clearly, acts in ways that makes them and those around them feel more alive, embodied, empowered, and has reverence for surrendering only to begin again–every day. Someone who is willing to dance in the not knowing, feels the evolutionary impulse inside and the rhythm of life. Someone who celebrates riding the waves of life.

Core beliefs:

Life is happening right now, there is nothing to transcend, and nowhere else you need to be. The world needs you here, and is always inviting you to participate with the great tapestry of existence. Life is full of different flavors and textures, and as a wave rider you are being called to surf these waves with grace, awareness, and for the sake of what you add to this divine matrix. It is clear that the world is changing, some might even say that the world is falling apart and what if that was actually good news?

A wave rider lives yoga in the everyday and is daring to stop pointing the finger at other people and reflects on what they are doing to positively contribute, has the courage to look inside and do the inner work to get aligned, to get clear, to get healthy. Wave riders ask “Who am I really, Why am I here, What am I contributing, and How do I live skillfully? How am I adding to the tapestry, and is it serving the whole? Is it producing cooperation and collaboration and celebration? Am I acting out of fear or out of abundance and love?” How am I being of service? How am I adding to the possibility and the potential in this world?”

Who this is for:

This training is only for individuals that are ready to dive deep into what it means to be human, are willing to ride the waves of life, take off their “armor” and discover what it means to walk a path of love, accountability, truth, connection, collaboration, and inquiry.  You will be challenged with care, supported, and called to an uncommon integrity. If that does not interest you, there are many, many, many other trainings out there that may be the perfect fit.  If you are called to play a bigger game in life, fall in love with all of the flavors of the human experience, and support a diverse community of wave riders–well, this might be the right training for you. Check it out.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training:

To apply for Lahari 300hr YTT you must already have a 200hr YTT certification.

When you complete this training you will have 500hrs total of training.

You may take any of the modules in any order. You will apply and pay for each module individually.

Required Modules–total contact hours needed: 250

Electives–total contact hours needed: 50

  • The Yoga Professional™ Inner Circle Mastermind with Katie Brauer. A transformational, personal and business growth mastermind for Yoga teachers ready to take their careers to the next level. Counts as 50 Contact Hours. For dates, details, investment, etc. click here

  • Radiance Sutras Meditation Teacher Training Intensive. Counts  between 25-70 required contact hours depending on location.  For costs, dates, details, location etc. click here.This module also counts towards Lorin Roche’s 200hr meditation teacher training

  • Individual electives: You can take up to 50 elective hours of your choice, but you must get approval before you take any electives not mentioned above.

Non-contact hours 30

  • When you register for each required module you will be given homework assignments that will count as your 30 non-contact hours.
  • Once you have completed your contact and non-contact hours you will complete the final integration exam and send in $108 exam fee.
Pay your final exam fee here:


Apply Now:

Once you have applied you will receive a welcome letter with important information.


    Kripalu School of Yoga



    For upcoming trainings at Kripalu click here